Cub Scouts Family

A Letter From Camp

As it turns out, the camp is not isolated. There’s WIFI access and even a community computer, from which I logged this post. Had I known, I defintely would have taken advantage of the amenities. The weather has been beyond fantastic so far- no humidity, cool nights, lots of Sun but not too hot. For August, we’ll take this weather as long as it comes.

The following is a letter the boy wrote to his Mom on the first day of camp. Per my usual, all spelling and punctuation is as the boy wrote it. I did modify one small section to remove names:

Dear Mom,

I had a great time at camp. I past my swim test! I am in the blue section witch is the deapest end. That also means I am in the read and white. The red is the second deapest, and the white setion is the most shallow. There are waiters in the cafe and two of my Pack mates were waiters today. After they talked about the Archery and BB gun range. we went to place were we had a second sarimony except with little acts my favorit was a one called channel flipper I think then we finally went to bed.


That was written Sunday night, after we put all the boys to bed finally. The following day, Monday, was when all the camp wide activities and “curriculum” began. That’s why he noted “they talked about Archery and BB gun range”- there was a talk Sunday night to make sure the boys understood the rules and what would be expected of them at those activities.

It’s an interesting experience being immersed with 9 and 10 year olds for such an extended period of time. I get to know them in a way that I’d never see otherwise. Perhaps some thoughts on that another time- like when I have some. But now, the hour is late and the Polar Swim is at 6:30AM. Time to get some sleep.

Good night.

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