Well, by way of updating the boy’s status, in all likelihood the second round of headaches he had were related to a head cold he came down with. Even better, the lass also came down with something. Yesterday, both of them were running mild fevers and were just generally lethargic and miserable.
But then thy boy seemed to start coming around come dinner time and this morning he continued his improvement. The lass is still a bit feverish, we’re hoping a good night’s sleep will fix her up.
The lass participated in hockey yesterday, but not the boy. Neither participated in hockey today, although I took the boy out for archery practice this morning since he seemed to generally be on the upswing. He enjoyed it.
Anyway, that’s the situation here for the moment. Seems like all of their friends have been coming up sick lately, it was just their turn when the wheel came around this time.