
The Lass Goes Too Far

Quite possibly, one of the lass’ more enduring traits is also her greatest weakness. She has a seemingly endless drive for fun and games. She laughs easily and is fun to be around, especially for girl friends.

But there’s a downside to this behavior- she can’t easily turn it off. Or, perhaps more correctly, she doesn’t know when enough is enough. The result is the fun ends on a low note, either she gets yelled at or someone gets hurt.

Thus, I wasn’t surprised at the story the Wife related to me earlier this week. She had taken the boy to his martial arts class on Monday. I had gone to play racquetball, so the lass was with them.

She’s no stranger to the school, and the head instructor has always been amused by her and her antics. They typically would play little games where he would stop and talk to her, tease her a bit. When she was younger, she would bring a tea set to the school and he would ask her for a cup of tea. In turn, she would call him silly and play hiding games and the like. The Wife or I would usually intervene so he could get back to his duties. Outside of this, she plays with other kids there who are either waiting for their class or waiting for a sibling’s class to end.

On Monday, she was playing with other kids and things had gotten a little rowdy, it sounds. The head instructor asked her to stop. The lass told him “No.”

The rest is predictable. He went and found the Wife and informed her that the lass had sassed him. The Wife came out and had her apologize, but the damage had been done.

The Wife and I had warned her many times now she needed to learn when to stop or she’d end up making the mistake with someone else. Now that she has, perhaps now she will.

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