
A Letter from the Tooth Fairy

The Tooth fairy responded to the lass’ letter from the other day:

Thank you for letting me know that you were at your Grandma’s house. I am so glad I was able to find you there.

The Tooth Fairy

The note was written in silver ink on a fancy piece of paper with a picture of a fairy on it. Words cannot describe the level of glee the lass was in after her brother read the letter to her. The boy, for his part, was very impressed with the letter, deeming it to be an authentic work. They were both impressed with the picture, automatically assuming that it was a picture of the Tooth Fairy herself. She wanted to write a “You’re welcome” letter back to the Tooth Fairy, but we told her that she can’t have the Tooth Fairy as a pen pal.

The day will come when she and her brother figure all this stuff out. When it comes, I’m wondering how bad a day it will be. At this point, their belief is so strong that I can’t help but think that the fall will be long, hard and jarring. But then I remember that I, too, once believed like that and managed to survive the revealing of the man behind the curtain.

In the meantime, our neighbor has definitely earned a bottle of wine for a job well done on this caper.

One reply on “A Letter from the Tooth Fairy”

What a fortunate coincidence that both the lass and her cousin both had tooth fairy visits in recent days, AND the busy nymph was attentive and took the time to script notes to both girls …. thus reinforcing the magical powers of this mystic being.

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