Having just recovered from a cold, I was curious who in the family would be next. Early on, it seemed the Wife would fall victim as she started feeling a little out of sorts, but she now appears to be fine. But this morning, when the Wife came down the stairs, she informed me that the lass was complaining that her “belly hurt and she had a headache behind her eyes.”
Now, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was initially dubious. She’s plenty clever and brash enough to come down those stairs feigning illness in an attempt at sympathy and a day-off from school (because when you’re sick, you stay home, rest, and watch TV! Honestly- how doesn’t that beat school if you’re a kid?) Especially right on the heels of my own experience.
However, when she came down the stairs she went right to her Mother, sat on her lap and stared at the pictures on the TV. I waited about 60 seconds during which time she remained completely silent and didn’t move once. At that point, I got up and felt her forehead to confirm what I was already sure of- she was indeed sick. We took a quick temp reading after that and it was official- a low-grade fever.
Wonder who’s next…
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