
Raw Nature

Well, we had a ten minute mini-drama in the garden this afternoon. Don’t worry, I captured it all on, uh, film. Memory. SD card. You get the idea.

It started with the Wife, noticing that one of the dogs was in a pointing position. So she turned to look at what he was fixated on, and jumped from the garden all the way into the house uttering some kind of noise that communicated disgust, revulsion and other rather strong, emotions. As I went outside she simply said “A snake caught a toad in the garden.”

My initial reaction was “Really?!?” I’m pretty sure she was heading for the shower.

So the kids and I were treated to a little bit of Nature at her rawest. Well, maybe not rawest, but how often do you get to watch a snake eat a toad in your backyard?

When I got there initially, the snake had the toad by one of it’s rear legs. It looked like the toad should have been able to make a good jump and escape. But when it did that, it was unsuccessful. Only escaping up to its foot. The snake quickly recaptured its lost ground.

And that’s where the pictures pick up from. If you are a snake-o-phobe or bear any of Indiana Jones’ attitude toward snakes, do not click on the jump link.

You have been warned.