
Driving Pet Peeves

A trip to the grocery store can be a lot more eventful than expected thanks to the fools on the road. Not all of these occurred on the way, but one of them did and I figured I’d make a list of it:

  1. Don’t drive in the left lane of an interstate, freeway and so forth at 15mph slower than everyone wants to go. I know there’s a left exit coming up and you’re just trying to get there. But it’s still several miles away and there’s no reason for you to be in the left lane. Stay to the right.

  2. When on an onramp for an interstate, freeway, highway or whatever, don’t merge with traffic at 35mph. There’s nothing dumber than trying to join 70mph traffic at half the speed everyone else is doing. The ramps are there for a reason, to get up to speed to make the merge easier. It’s not time for a leisurely roll down the road and expect everyone to make way when you finally arrive. The accelerator is the pedal on the floor on the right, use it.

  3. Don’t tailgate. I can’t stand tailgaters. Word to the wise, I slow down when I see you back there. As much as it takes until you get the message and back off.

  4. Don’t do people “favors” by waving them to make a left turn from a stop so you can make your left. I know, you are just trying to be courteous but waving someone trying to turn onto the road you are turning off of is a bad idea. They aren’t expecting you to wave them on, they are waiting for you to make your left, probably so they can then make theirs. If you stop and wave them on, the timing is thrown off. Now, they have to look behind you to make sure they can safely accomplish the left turn. Is that guy behind you slowing down to stop behind you? Or is he slowing down to go around you? And what’s the guy behind him doing? Also, better recheck the traffic coming from the left. Everything is ambiguous and the left just got more difficult. Thanks for the assist.

  5. When making a left turn from a stop onto a busy road, don’t pull out and block traffic while waiting for an opening in the far lanes. If the traffic is that heavy, make a right, then a left a little further down and finally another right. It’s safer and I won’t have scream at you.