
The Gluten-Free Fad?

Interesting read here on gluten free diets and the like. My first reaction was to lump it in with other food studies of the past like salt. First, it was bad for you. Then it was good. Then it was sort-of-OK-but-not-too-much. I think that’s still where we’re at with salt.

I also find it interesting that the doctors admit that, aside from celiac disease, they don’t really know what they’re talking about. But they still insist that changing diets is bad. Or the fellow at the end who states “No more than 1 percent” of people have “gluten sensitivity. But then admits all numbers are speculative. So he doesn’t know, but he does know. Whatever.

Anyway, here ’bouts we’ve drastically reduced our gluten intake, but as part of a broader plan of carb reduction. Bread and pasta are the two major foods that provide carbs, well, along with sugars of course, so we’ve all but eliminated them from our diet. The kids still enjoy certain pasta dishes, so we do occasionally partake, but without nearly the same frequency.

Interestingly, as reported by those “sensitive” to gluten, I can also report that I feel better without all the carbs in the diet. Not that I felt bad per say, but I noticed feeling like I had more energy. So maybe there’s more to the whole gluten thing than meets the eye.

(hattip: Instapundit)