
For All the Know-it-Alls Out There

Considering I’ve embraced my inner radical, and now that the government showdown is all but over, I have some questions for all the political know-it-alls out there. Particularly the ones that claim they want smaller government.

First, what has any of the current crop of “good” Republicans done to reduce the size of government? I suppose the smart-allecky ones will say “the sequester.” I’d answer we still have multi-hundred-billion dollar deficits. That’s not shrinking government.

Second, what proposals have you put forward that actually shrinks government? What ideas have you mentioned? Whom have you backed that’s willing to go after entitlements? (Alright, that’s 3 questions…)

Third, what level of debt will finally get your attention? If $17,000,000,000,000.00 and counting doesn’t, what will? $20,000,000,000,000? $25,000,000,000,000? $35,000,000,000,000? $50,000,000,000,000? Seriously, what is that magic number? What’s the point where you’ll finally say “Holy crap, we can’t possibly ever pay that amount of money back!”? While you’re at it, do you really think we should set our debt ceiling at a level where “Holy crap, we can’t possibly ever pay that off”?

What’s insane? People who don’t believe that we should have $17 trillion in debt and decide to take a stand and say “No more.” Or the people who think $17 trillion in debt is no big deal and it’s just business as usual? Please explain to me your definition of insane.

Do you think the music will play forever and that none of the seats will be removed? Or do you just want to make sure you get yours before the music stops and that it’s some other generation left standing when it does?