
The Blue Heron

While out and about today, I had one of those interesting Nature run-ins:

That’s a Blue Heron that patrols the area. I see one quite frequently in the sky and patroling various streams in the various local towns and I assuming it’s the same one. Or, if it has a mate than it’s the same pair. This one looked to be about 3 1/2 feet tall or so, but it’s the wing span that’s so impressive.

I got to within about 15 feet of it with the car. I stopped when I saw it in the road and, when it didn’t immediately fly off, I slowly crept up on it and pulled out my phone to take the shot. I wish the camera on it had some kind of zoom, no such luck though. As for the Heron, it had a ton of nerve. It didn’t budge as I crept up, even after I came to my final stopping point it stood it’s ground. Of course, had I been a predator that would have been an excellent way to get itself killed. Today was it’s lucky day though. And mine. It can’t be seen in the picture, but it had yellowish eyes.

As I started to take the second shot, the Heron decided it had had enough and took off. I was just fortunate that I’d pushed the button when I did and that the camera picked up a decent shot.

They’re cool to watch in flight. They have an effortless look to them and the wings look like a perfect waves in synchronization as they beat their pattern. Then the Heron can just extend them and glide. Watching it, there’s little wonder why we wanted to learn to fly.