
Stop with the Gloating about Riggs vs King

ESPN has an interesting story about the famous “Battle of the Sexes” between Billy Jean King and Bobby Riggs. For those that don’t know, that’s the famous tennis match in which Billy Jean King defeated Riggs in straight sets and changed the arc of history between men and women.

I’ve seen a lot of references to this story in my Twitter feed today, most of them some variation on “HA HA! Riggs threw the match! In your FACE women!” To this I say, “Meh.” Number one, the article is far from definitive. Aside from mentioning that many tennis people believed Riggs threw it (Riggs himself never admitted as much), the entire things hinges on the word of an 80-year-old man who supposedly overheard a bunch of mobsters talking. Even more so, for the past 40 years, he’s kept quiet for fear of retribution or something and he’s the only guy in the world that knows this. That’s pretty thin.

Further, if we assume for a moment that it is true, what’s to be gained by gloating at this point? Sure, if it was fixed, then knowing the truth is I suppose interesting. But when things counted, the entire world believed otherwise. If perceptions were in fact changed (and I have no reason to doubt they were), then does knowing now automatically undo everything the match did for women and sports? Is it the gloater’s contention that it should be undone because it was built on a lie? I just don’t see the point of gloating about this news.

So at best, those gloating are revealing themselves as preening a-holes. At worst, they’re fools getting taken for a ride. Not exactly a couple of great choices.

Something I did learn from the story is that King was not the number one ranked female player at the time. A woman named Margaret Court was and Riggs had played her 4 months prior to King and thoroughly whooped her. That was the match the that pulled King into the mix.

One thing I’d always wondered was, why did everyone think a 55-year old man losing to a woman was a big deal? Think about it- King was 30 at the time and at the top of her game. Riggs wasn’t. So why was it so monumental when she beat him?

The Margaret Court match is why. With that match, Riggs established that he was fully capable of not just winning, but dominating a top-ranked woman player.

As for my own opinion regarding the article’s theis, I find the evidence put forth in the article compelling, but not totally convincing. Mostly, it’s just another cord of wood for the “Battle of the Sexes” fire.


Adenium Blogging

It’s actually been a tough year for my Desert Rose plants. I changed the location of my largest one, a Uranus variant, because it is difficult to move around. I thought it might do well out in our front yard, unfortunately it hasn’t gotten enough sun to cause it to bloom. With the peak of the Summer well behind us, this will end up being an off year for it.

Earlier this year, I lost my White Desert Rose. It just seemed to rot out inexplicably.

That leaves my Red and Black Orchid varieties. The Red is pushing a few more blooms, and the Black Orchid has finally bloomed:

Still, overall it’s been an off year for my adeniums.


What to Make of This Followup

A couple of days ago, I related what I considered to be an unusual exchange in our school’s office. My brother commented:

As a Connecticut resident, you should be able to think of at least one horrific reason why office personnel may be a little less lenient with visitors now a days. I am not saying you should be suspected of anything, but it is always the people that people least suspect. Additionally, I find it encouraging that someone in that office has the guts to stand up and say something that puts everyone on notice that “we are watching”. Would you rather have them not notice?

You may be known, but how many times does the crazy person have to calmly walk into the office before everyone is comfortable with that individual too?

Liability is a scary thing, and when the lives of children are at stake, it might be best to support efforts at security and encourage a second glance or an extra question. Unfortunately, it only takes one person letting something slide to change the course of a life forever.

I received another comment highlighting this article as well, which was something I was aware of.

I had considered this but didn’t bother writing it up in the original post. I might as well address it here.

So, assuming it is part of some kind of new security protocol, allow me to say I’m more concerned now than before. Keep in mind, I had already gained access to the building. Not only that, I had walked straight into the office. School shooters are not rational people, and this “security protocol”, if it is such, seems to have been concocted by someone expecting rational behavior. If I’d been armed and intending to do damage, then I was at the point where all I had to do was start shooting.

I don’t think it’s too hard to game out that trying to account for everything an irrational person is a near impossibility. Perhaps I’d planted a bomb. Perhaps my target was down the hall from the office- remember, I was already inside and no one met me until I reached the office.

It’s scary to think about this stuff for too long because it quickly becomes apparent just how easy a target a school is. I would say 99.99% of the time, the person walking through the front door is a parent with some kind of legitimate business. Administrative people need parent’s help and generally don’t want to create too many hassles for them. To impose enough obstacles so as to dissuade an irrational person would impose serious inconveniences on the 99.99%. Personally, the one thing I think would work is armed guard, or making it known that there are teachers with concealed carry permits within the building. But that’s an argument for another post.

So, based on it’s complete ineffectiveness, I’m going to say I hope this wasn’t part of the school’s new security measures. Thus, why I didn’t mention this in the previous post.

My best guess is there’s some kind of new office protocol that hasn’t been communicated to us, the parents, yet. Perhaps they were saving it for the 1st day of school packets. My second best guess is this woman is a new hire and she was just carrying out her job. Clumsily, I might add.


What to Make of This?

With the new school year approaching, I have Cub Scout business to attend to. Most importantly, I had to make sure I reserved the school’s cafeteria for our upcoming Joining Night activity, where we will hopefully pull in a new battalion of future Scouts. In order to do so, I have to stop by our school and fill out a building use form.

When I stepped into the office, everyone was busy with whatever business needs attending to by the office personnel. So I quietly stepped around the welcome counter to where most of the pertinent forms are and pulled out a couple of building use forms. I’ve done this action many times now since taking over as Cubmaster for our town’s Pack. I figure it saves everyone time and hassle since the office people don’t have to stop what they’re doing and I don’t have to wait. I then returned to the visitors side of the counter and started filling out my form.

At which point, I was disturbed by a tiny, pleasant looking woman with brown curly hair. “Hi,” she began. I lifted my eyes to look at her, but didn’t really lift my head. She put some kind of a smile on her face as she continued “I’m with the office police and you’re not supposed to come back here.” She pointed at the floor behind the counter. “Someone is supposed to help you by getting the forms for you. I have to warn you about this, so, um, considered yourself warned. OK?” She then flashed me her biggest smile.

I politely smiled back, nodded and said “Yep, I guess I’ve been warned.” She then returned to her desk at the rear of the office and I finished filling out the form, turned it so it was prominent on the counter, and left.

I can’t help but wonder if this isn’t a sign of something, what I’m not sure. I mean, this is a small town and I’m pretty recognizable around here. I was actually a bit of a running joke last year for the school’s office because I visited regularly. I’m not asking for special treatment either- anyone that the office personnel recognize as being with any of the many school related organizations should be able to go grab one of those forms. I mean, what’s important is that the form gets filled out, not who gets it right? And, well, when someone introduces themselves as “the office police” and acts like they are standing on hallowed ground, call me crazy, but that ain’t right. I’m also wondering, what are the consequences now that I’ve been warned?

Also, for some reason, this person came to mind.


The Latest Scam

It appears this has been around for awhile, according to this Ars Technica article. Amusingly, the same guy got another call from these bozos. Sadly, I have to agree with some of his conclusions. Happily, these bozos also got a dose of their own medicine.

There seems to be no end to what scam artists will try. Whether it’s claiming you’ve won a big prize to other well known concoction, they never seem to run out of hooks. I just took a call from one the Wife had previously dealt with, and I dispatched him with great prejudice.

Unfortunately, the caller blocked their phone number, so my caller ID came up with “Private Caller.” But after picking up, there was a pause, which is always a bad sign, followed by some fellow with some kind of accent telling me he was contacting me about something. I couldn’t catch what the something was- a combination of the accent and what seemed to be a crappy phone connection. After about 4 times, I finally heard enough to understand: he was returning our call about tech support for our computer.

The problem was, I hadn’t called anyone about tech support for our computers. I AM tech support for our computers.

I told him this, and he innocently replied “Are you sure someone didn’t call about tech support?”

Now I was mad, because this was so obviously some sort of scam. My guess is they wanted to put some kind of malware on our computers that snooped username, passwords and anything else of value they could pull of our computers, possibly some kind of keyboard tracker as well.

So I got belligerent and started demanding to know how he’d gotten my number. I went through this about 3 times, he’d reply with some kind of BS, I’d call him on it and demand to know how he got our phone number. He finally hung up on me. With any luck, they removed our number from their system.

So be on the lookout for this kind of crap. Obviously, someone thinks it’s the next big thing.


A New Tenant

We had a freakish line of ran come through here a few minutes ago. After it cleared up, I wandered outside to check on things. Mainly, I was curious about the water flow around the new retaining wall around the pool, which I’d just recently completed. Mainly, I wanted to make sure it wasn’t getting gouged out at the wall’s base.

On the far side of the wall from the house, I found a new tenant. Can you see him?

No? How about now?

Still no? Here he is:



For purposes of scale, the deck board the hive is attached to is a standard 1×6 PT decking board.


Low Carb Diet Addendum

I’d noted a few days ago that I’d changed to a low carb diet for the past year. As it happened, I had to have a physical so I could participate in a Scout camp with the boy in a few weeks. They performed some simple blood tests, including checking my cholesterol levels.

I didn’t get any numbers (frankly- they’d be meaningless to me) but I thought it worth noting that after a year of higher fat, higher protein, lower carb eating my cholesterol levels are “outstanding” with lots of good cholesterol. I also had excellent blood sugar levels and completely normal liver and kidney functions.

Ideally, I would have had something to compare against from when I started the diet change, to see if these numbers started trending in a particular direction. Even so, I think it’s encouraging that after a year, I haven’t messed myself up with a “crazy” diet.


Heck YEA!

I’ve made my own breakfast sausage before and the results were very good. Unfortunately, the cost to do so versus the amount made makes the effort not really worth it.

I stumbled across this a couple days ago and I’m going to have to try it. Chances are, there won’t be a significant cost saving either, but just the idea of making my own bacon is to appealing to not give it a try.


A Year of Low Carb

About a year ago now, I started on a low carb diet. There were a number of factors that lead me to that point. Ironically, none of them had anything to do with my weight or fitness level. First, I got curious about Gary Taubes’ book Why We Get Fat so I read it. The book is a well written essay about the benefits of a low carb diet. I did some subsequent research, scouring the internet for Taubes’ critics and I found that critics fell into 1 of 2 catagories: the ones who called him a flaming idiot and the ones who disagreed with his science in an uber-technical way (these were essentially scientists or food researchers.) I took this to mean he probably had stumbled across something good.

I also knew people who’d gone on the Atkin’s Diet and swore by its results for cutting weight and, in particular, fat. So I’ll admit I was somewhat predisposed to Taubes’ thesis.

As for further reasons, the Wife was looking for a way to drop some weight at the time as well and I decided that it wouldn’t hurt for me to drop a couple of pounds as well. Having read Taubes’ book, it also seemed like there were other potential health benefits, so we started the shift.

Since then, I’ve basically all but stopped eating bread of any sort. No more bagels in the mornings, no more breakfast sandwiches, no more sandwiches in general. Further, we stopped eating potato and any of it’s variants and we stopped eating pasta.

Ironically, it was stopping eating those 3 food types that made me realize how much of them I ate in the first place.

The other part of Taubes’ advice is to cut out carbs from sugars- so no more soda or candy. But this particular piece of criteria was a real killer because there are some things that everyone associates with “healthy” that doesn’t cut it. Yogurt would be one example. Many fruits like bananas and pineapple are also no-nos because of all the sugars. Even carrots don’t pass muster because of the sugars. Fruit juices? Nope. Not even OJ.

So, in the end, what I did eat was eggs, meats (of any sort), greens and leafy greens and other vegetables and nuts. Even though strictly speaking, milk doesn’t satisfy Taubesian criteria, I refused to part ways with it. I figured the rest should be more than enough to get an idea.

The tale of the tape is that I lost 10 pounds. That may not sound like a lot, but I’d basically been 245 for years. Exercise was not enough to get me below that weight for any extended time- it was my mean that I always came back to whenever I fluctuated away from it. After the first 2 months, I dropped down to 235 and that’s basically where I’ve been without any other changes to my lifestyle. I will say that of late, I’ve been more consistently around 235 whereas after those first couple of months, I bounced between 235 and 240. This tells me that the diet continues to work, but at a slower pace.

I’ve also eased up on some of the restrictions. I still don’t eat bread, but I allow myself potato in some form or another a few times a month. I’ve also introduced fruits that initially didn’t pass muster. Truth be told, the one other thing I refused to give up was my ice cream, especially the late-night-before-going-to-bed variety.

To whatever extent the diet change can be considered a success, I attribute it almost entirely to a rebalancing of my diet. I’d never realized how many carbs I consumed prior to this diet. Between pasta, pizza, bread and potatoes I was eating one of those things at every meal every day. I now look back and wonder how I wasn’t bigger.

Early on, the one trick to the diet I had to figure out was learning to eat more portions of meat to satisfy my hunger. For instance, with the bread gone, when we had hamburgers I started eating 3 burger patties, with whatever dressings deemed appropriate as well. For breakfast, I eat 4 eggs and 4 sausage patties, whereas before I might eat 2 or three eggs on occasion with a couple of sausage patties.

The one thing I want to mention before wrapping this up is one thing that Taubes mentions very briefly in his book that can happen as a result of going on this diet: muscle cramps. I suffered some of the worst leg cramps in my life over the course of the past year. Including one in my inner thigh that woke me up in the middle of the night that I couldn’t get to stop. I tried for a couple of seconds to make it stop and finally resolved to just lie there and take it- it was excruciating. It raised a bruise on my leg several days later. Generally, until the past month-and-a-half or so, I was subject to cramping at any time, most particularly after any kind of strenuous activity. I’m not sure why the cramping has finally let up, but it’s been a relief. Perhaps some aspect of my body chemistry had to adjust to the lack of steady carbs and the cramping was a side effect. So with all that said, consider that fair warning.

As I said, I’ve now adjusted my diet to slightly increase my carb intake. I’ll on occasion eat a normal sandwich with bread or even have a pizza or an occasional pasta dinner. Generally not more than once a week. My goal was never to cut weight for the sake of cutting weight, it was to try something that might be a healthier way to eat than what I’d previously thought. Having done it for a year, I can say I felt good, with the notable exception of the cramps. But I didn’t consider those enough to make me stop and the fact that they seem to have abated at this point makes me think I was basically right. I was never overly tired and never felt like crap because of what I was, or wasn’t, eating.

Based on all that, I’ll be continuing the diet as I’ve structured it now. If it continues to be smooth sailing like it has been so far, I expect it won’t be a diet for me anymore. It will just be the way I eat.


Feeling Good

While I largely believe age is more in the head than anything, I also have a realistic view that I’m not as young as I once was and that comes at a cost. Lately, between my landscaping exploits over the course of the past month and twice-a-week martial arts lessons, I’ve basically come to expect to be sore and tired. So when I woke up this morning, imagine the pleasant surprise when I got up and was ache-and-pain free.

It’s almost certainly not a coincidence that this happened during a few days of vacation down at my parents place. I haven’t touched a shovel or paver in almost 3 days now and probably haven’t lifted anything much heavier than a grande cup of coffee. The signs of recovery are noticeable.

It’s also encouraging that it occurred over such a short period of time. As I noted, it’s only been a few days of basic inactivity. While it’s not about to become the new normal, it does serve as a reminder of the importance of taking time to recover from a long period of strenuous activity. In fact, a period of recovery should almost certainly be a part of any exercise regimen. I’ll have to keep that in mind for the future.

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Official Property Owners

Just a personal historical note of sorts. My first property was a small condo. When the Wife became the Wife, we actually lived in it together for a short period of time. I made a number of cosmetic improvements to it over time with the intent of renting it when we moved on to bigger and, hopefully, better things.

I’ve been renting it for over 10 years now, and have had a couple of real dud renters. That’s not been the case for a couple of years, thankfully.

Having mailed the final payoff check to the lender, I guess I’ll mark today as the semi-official day that we own the property outright. Which is nice.

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For Your Amusement

One of the other Dad’s in our Cub Scout Pack told me about this video after our last Pack meeting with the model rocket launches. The kid’s expression is priceless. The Dad is too busy laughing.



The Bandaid Fix

A “bandaid fix” is a way around solving a problem. Rather than actually fixing the problem, another technique is used to either cover up or circumvent the real problem. A bandaid fix can be used for a variety to reasons, from not being able to determine the actual problem to not having time to being able to solve the actual problem.

Software guys know all about bandaid fixes- they use them regularly. Sometimes it’s entirely justified as a bug might have deeply rooted causes such that fixing it could have significant side effects and other ramifications. Carpenters too, are familiar with bandaid fixes. In fact, I’m willing to wager just about any engineer, technician or “Mr. Fixit” sort has used a bandaid fix at one time or another.

When I picked up my mower yesterday, bandaid fix was what immediately leapt to mind when they told me what they did. The reason I couldn’t pull the starter cord was because the engine had filled with fuel, so the compression required to turn the engine was too much for the start cord mechanism to handle. I knew this, the question was why was the engine filling up with fuel?

I never got an answer. The mechanic had already cleaned the carburetor and change the air filter and the spark plug and, I’m guessing, he wasn’t going to spend any more time figuring out what was wrong. So if too much fuel was the problem while starting, then he need to provide a way to stop that. So he installed a fuel shutoff valve which I’ll now have to use every time I use the mower.

Suffice it to say, I’m not thrilled with this solution. First, the mower is about a year old and shouldn’t be having this sort of problem, IMHO. Second, how do I know that the problem won’t slowly become exacerbated over time with usage to the point I’ll need to bring it in again and spend another $100 on getting it repaired? Short answer- I don’t know because I don’t know what the problem is. Rather, I’m left with hoping that usage with high-octane gas and some of the ethanol based fuel additives will help clean things out and return it to normal usage.

More likely is that the mower is a lemon and I’ll be having problems with it for years to come.


A Harry Potter Conundrum

The kids watched the first Harry Potter movie this morning, The Sorcerer’s Stone. While watching the end, it occurred to me there’s a bit of a plot hole created by the circumstances of the first movie.

I’ll assume if you’ve read this far, you’re somewhat familiar with the Harry Potter-verse and I’ll get right to it.

At the end of the story, Harry Potter is convinced that Professor Snape is the culprit behind all the mysterious happenings at the school and is, in fact, trying to help Voldemort return to power. This turns out to be spectacularly wrong, as the villain is in fact Professor Quirrell, working in league with Voldemort. During the final confrontation between Quirrell/ Voldemort and Harry, it is revealed that Professor Snape was, in fact, consistently thwarting Quirrell’s plans behind the scenes. It was Snape whom thwarted Quirrell during the Moutain Troll episode, and we’re also allowed to see through Harry’s spying eye’s a clandestine exchange between Quirrell and Snape where Snape challenges Quirrell and his motives. In short, Snape seemed to know what was going on with Quirrell and wasn’t helping Quirrell/Voldemort to succeed.

Now, given that Quirrell and Voldemort are joined at the head, it seems logical that Voldemort would also be aware of Snape’s meddling and consistent interruptions of his (Voldemort’s) plans to return to power. Given Snape’s role at the end of the saga, where he poses as Voldemort’s right-hand man presumably with Voldemort’s full trust, these circumstances seem like a pretty big inconsistency. That is, it seems implausible that Voldemort should be unaware of Snape’s double-agent status given what Snape does in the first book. Yet, that is exactly the case.

I recognize the difficulty in keeping details like this straight over the course of 7 books and 10 or so years worth of creating a world and story. It just struck me as interesting inconsistency in the story. One that I couldn’t think of a plausible explanation for.

For instance- perhaps Voldemort suffers from some sort of amnesia after he returns to corporeal form, one might argue. But that seems pretty selective given everything that he clearly does remember, including all of his Deatheaters, Harry himself, the Elder wand and so forth.

Another argument might be that Snape is skilled at blocking Voldemort’s mind reading powers. I’d agree- but Voldemort shouldn’t have to read Snape’s mind. He simply has to assess Snape’s actions as they pertain to Professor Quirrell.

There are other possibilities I can come up with, but I don’t consider any of them convincing explanations. I think it’s just one of those plot holes that any epic tale, even LOTR has them, picks up along the way. Anyone else agree with my assessment, or am I off base entirely?


On Getting Your Lawnmower Repaired

It’s probably been about 3 weeks since I mowed our lawn. Not for lack of trying mind you. I started a couple weeks ago when the mower completely flaked out on me, culminating in an inability to pull the starter cord. Unfortunately, not being a motor guy, it was beyond my abilities to heal, so I brought the mower to a repair shop.

That was a week-and-a-half ago.

Yesterday, I got the call and went to pick it up. The grass is probably 7 or eight inches long now. The recent weather has been absolutely perfect grass growing weather- 70’s with cool nights and soaking rains. We’re getting another soaking rain right now. Small woodland creatures can hide in my yard now without being noticed. Point being, I’ve been looking forward to getting the mowing done for a change and was relieved to finally have the mower back.

When I got it out of the car, I decided to experience the satisfaction of a smoothly running machine. I reached down for the starter cord handle and started to pull.

And was met with way too much resistance.

Startled, I released it and stupidly looked at the mower. Perhaps they had put some kind of safety thing on the mower. I lifted it up to check the blade, and then heard the guzzling noise. I peered around to the muffler area and gas was dripping out of the muffler. I set the mower back to rights and tried giving the starter cord another pull. Nothing. Couldn’t pull it.

So this morning, I returned the mower to the repair shop where I got the platitudinous “Sorry ’bout that.” When the clerk offered me the claim ticket, I told him “I’m not so sure I’ll want to claim it.” He laughed. I left.



Unfortunately He Couldn’t Save the School from the Administrators

So a kid saves a fellow student from a bully and is then told he ought not to have done that by his elders. Rather, he should have informed the loafing teacher across the room that a) there was a fight in progress and b) the aggressor was wielding some sort of stab implement and things might get ugly. No word on what he should have done while the teacher was reporting the incident to the vice-principal. Also, no word on whether the teacher was disciplined or given a “stern lecture” about doing their job when monitoring students.


Red Wedding Reactions

Perusing the internet today, it was hard to miss the strong reactions to one of the most brutal moments in the Game of Thrones story. The thing of it is, I can’t really blame the viewers. It was just as shocking to read. I remember reading the scene twice because after the first time I felt like I’d misread it. Having verified it, I went back and read it a third time.

The thing was, reading the story I think Martin gives readers a sense that not everything will work out for Robb Stark. Really, in the books, the only thing he does well is win on the battlefield. Everything else he jumbles. There was even some foreshadowing in the dream sequence of Daenerys’ during her visit with the warlock.

Still, the scene is a jolt to the system. A testament to Martin’s storytelling capabilities I daresay.

For those that happen by here, I’ll say they shouldn’t abandon all hope yet. The story isn’t really about the Starks, and Martin starts running out of good guys for bad things to happen to. And bad things continue to happen, so who does that leave?


An Udderly Ridiculous Post


You know why this post is “udderly” ridiculous? Because that’s a BEEF cow! Not a milking cow! No BS. Literally- nothing on the road.

If you hit it with a car, do you stop and start grilling?

Where is a cow going on a Saturday morning? Greener pastures?

I could do this “for-heifer.”

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Almost Too Tired to Post

The weekend has been exceptionally busy for me. Saturday basically started with me digging. I had to complete the excavation portion of the wall project because it was too difficult for me to find stone to fit in the few spots I had to work with. I couldn’t extend the wall further because excavation and refilling hadn’t bee completed. Thus, Saturday became that day.

That only took me about 4 hours of digging and then filling with rip-rap and then the small stone. By the time I’d complete that I only had a couple of hours to work on actually building it.

Because the lass had a softball game I had to go coach/pitch/work. The hard part was I wasn’t even sure she would have a game because I hadn’t received any confirmation from the Woodstock coach. I finally did get confirmation when I arrived at our field and he flagged me down to tell me that his girls would be ready to play.

Two hours later, the game was over and I was helping to prep the field for a Minor League Softball game. Then, it was back home to have some dinner and try to relax. Except the boy was having a slumber party with 2 of his buddies. Anyone who has had sleepovers knows there is no relaxing for the host family. The other families tend to sleep well though.

Today was more work on the wall, actual building this time around. I worked on that from 9 until 3:30 or so and then had to figure out a mounting scheme for the engines in the home made model rockets I did with my Cub Scout Den. Just when I though I was done, I remembered I had to go tutor high school chemistry at 8.

The good is I’ve made quite a bit of progress on the wall and hope to make more tomorrow. Unfortunately, I’m going to run out of filling stone, so that will hold me up for a day or so. The bad is there’s a lot more to go.