
Just When You Think You Know Them

We’ve signed the kids up for a YMCA sponsored soccer camp. It’s six-weeks long and started yesterday. I figure there is no better way for them to learn the inferiority of the game than to actually play and learn it. Once they get exposed to a real sport, they’ll never have any question as to why they never went back to soccer. (No, I won’t define “real sport”- where’s the sport in that?)

So last night was the first night for the camp and the kids were having a grand ol’ time kicking balls around with the other kids prior to the start of class.Then the class started and the instructor had all the kids gather in the middle of the gym floor, followed by a quick jog around the outside of the gym.

The lass made it 3/4 of the way around the lap, before diverting off in tears and running to the Wife. She steadfastly refused to get back involved.

The boy, on the other hand, was having the time of his life. This, in spite of earlier comments, when told what they’d be doing for the evening. that he already knew how to play soccer and hated it.

The Wife ended up participating in most of the class with the lass, who was reduced to tears at various points when she decided, for whatever reason, that she didn’t like what was happening. The most amusing moment was during a dribbling drill where the instructor had a group (of which the lass was one) of them dribble across the gym. Waiting on the other side was a second group (including the boy) waiting to be unleashed upon the hapless dribblers. The idea was for the dribblers to turn around and make it back to the start point without someone taking the ball from them. Naturally, the boy made a beeline for his sister and kicked the ball away like he was trying out for the World Cup team.

Instant tears.

Run to Mom, screaming. Much laughter from the parents, including myself.

I never would have thought that the lass would behave like that. She tends to be fearless the rest of the time. Now, I certainly can rationalize it since she is nearly 18 months younger than her brother and he was on the older side of the kids there. Clearly there’s an ability gap there. But still, I was surprised. Kudos to the Wife who took the initiative to drag the lass back out there. She ended up participating in most of the drills. It was the only way the lass was willing to hang in there.

3 replies on “Just When You Think You Know Them”

I have been noticing over your last several postings that grammatical and spelling errors are prevalent in your writing. Isn’t there a built in editor with your browser that should catch these mistakes? For instance, any time I misspell a word or use the wrong word grammatically in context, I get a red or green or blue line that tells me I might want to review. It also offers suggestions on how to fix the issue that it picks up.

Just wondering…

Depending on how bad the mistakes are that you’re picking up on, there is an answer.

When I write my posts, I use the blog client I’ve been working on. In turn, the client relies on a simple text editor. There is a special library called “Markdown” that I use that translates certain types of text formatting into HTML tags. For instance, if you see bold text in a post, when I write the file, I type **bold**.

Well, the library has been updated and I didn’t update my client software appropriately. When this happened, some of the formatting involving ‘newlines’ started causing words that are linewrapped in my editor to appear as runons when rendered in the browser. I’ve fixed it, so mistakes of that sort should stop now.

As for other sorts of errors, because I’m using a text editor (as opposed to word processor), those are legitimate. I do proofread/ edit my posts, but I still miss stuff.

I’ve corrected the runons in this post, are there other mistakes? (I scanned and didn’t see any.)

UPDATE: I just figured out how to enable spell checking in the editor I use. That’ll help with some of this stuff. I’ll still have to proofread for grammar errors- but that’s OK.

No, that was the kind of stuff I was talking about, it just seemed odd that it was happening a lot lately, but not before…I figured it had to be something that you either were not aware of, or just had not fixed yet.

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