
The Boy’s Day

We didn’t actually mention his playdate to him until the morning of. Upon learning, he started vibrating with excitement. From that point, he was pretty easy to motivate through his brief morning at the house- he didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize going to his friend’s house. So after getting dressed and scarfing down a breakfast that I don’t think he really tasted, he settled into watching the TV and asking when we were leaving every 5 minutes.

To make matters even more interesting, his 3rd tooth came out yesterday morning. He had been working at it diligently for the past couple of days and his persistence had finally paid off. So in addition to going to his friend’s house, he knew a visit from the Tooth Fairy was nigh upon him.

Shortly after arriving, he couldn’t wait for me to go. In between bouts of running around with the lass and his friend, he would realize that I was still there chatting with the girl’s Mom and ask me when I was going to go. Apparently, even though 90% of the time he was blissfully unaware of my presence, the other 10% where he realized I was still there was completely unacceptable. I finally left with the lass. For her part, she was hoping I’d forget to take her with me. It’s her brother’s friend, I explained, and she (the lass) would have her day soon enough.

When he finally arrived home, he was asleep on the bus. I had to get on the bus to wake him up because he was so zonked that the kid who was sitting with him was unable to help him stay awake. He got off the bus in good humor. He had made brownies, had a turkey sandwich, made a piece of pasta jewelry for his Mom, played with a “thing that when you push a button on the other thing, the thing flies up in the air but it’s not a plane” and he had got on the bus with his friend. His friend’s Mom had put a little note in his backpack explaining that he’d accounted for himself very well. He was already asking when his friend could come to “his” house. “Soon enough” I told him.

He still had a visit from the Tooth Fairy to look forward to as well. He took several moments to ready the tooth in a box that his Grandparents had fashioned for just such a purpose. He spent the remainder of the evening playing outside in the cold and dark with flashlights and the dogs- a new favorite passtime that he and the lass have started. He comes in with pink cheeks and a big smile. It’s hard to tell who get a bigger case of the cold friskies, him or the dogs.

The day ended with the tooth box under his pillow. Certainly a day he’ll remember.

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