I didn’t get a chance to see any games yesterday due to familial obligations long in the works. In a nutshell, the kids spent a good part of the afternoon climbing on trucks and honking horns. Along with several hundred other kids. It was loud. I’m not sure if I actually got used to the horns, if all the compressed air got used up or if I lost most of my hearing by the end of the visit. The most impressive truck was the $780,000 wrecker. Yes, that’s right, $780,000. It was about 40 feet long and had a crane on it that could lift 60 tons. Basically, it could lift a semi out of a ditch without any trouble. Don’t think they’re with AAA. Nice piece of machinery.
Speaking of wreckers, looks like I got my wish from Washington. Of course, its not completely over for USC. If they win out we’ll be subjected to a steady drumbeat of scenarios that might make them the best team in the country. Ugh. Hopefully Oregon St. can step up when the time comes. Or maybe Arizona St. Or maybe they’ll lose a bowl game. Either way, 1 more loss will be a stake in the heart. If it comes sooner, that’s better in my book.
Florida is looking good. Tebow might not be a natural thrower, but he’s a winner in college football. I’m impressed that he’s chosen to stick around instead of going pro. Then again, maybe that just means he knows that he’s not really pro-material at QB. Yet.
Nothing else that’s really all that note worthy. Lots of teams that are starting as expected. Give it a couple more weeks. The season is still young.