Well, I’ve been through the routine enough now to know that I don’t really like it.
In the morning, I take the lass to school where she stays for roughly 3 hours. It turns out that 3 hours isn’t really enough time to do anything of significance. Why? Well, because I have to keep the boy entertained to some degree during this time- that’s why. If I do attempt to take on an attention-significant task then I get to deal with repeated interruptions along the lines of “Dad can you…” or “Dad I can’t…” or “Dad where’s my…” I’m pretty good and maitaining concentration, but frankly the persistence gets to me eventually.
Also, my attempt to go to the Y revealed that I’ll basically return with the boy in time to shower and then jump in the car to go pick up the lass. I can’t take him with to get his sister because of lunch- he basically needs to be eating lunch around the time I’m getting the lass. In all liklihood, this means I’ll be taking the Wife’s suggestion and brown-bagging for him on some mornings. I’ll definitely have to do this when she travels. So what was once a source of escape for me (trips to the Y) are now going to be sources of stress regarding schedule coordination. Ugh.
The afternoons aren’t much better, as I have the same 3 hour window during which there is lunch for the lass followed by her renditions of “Dad…” Additionally, the dogs need to be run and exercised during this time to keep them from going stir crazy. The only bonus here is that the Wife is sometimes available to go and wait for the return of the boy via bus.
When he returns, it’s all of the usual sorts of evening rituals- dinner, family time, odd and ends, blah blah blah.
I realize complaining won’t get me anywhere. I’d held out hopes that the schedule wouldn’t feel restrictive, but it is what it is. I suppose it’s not too bad since Monday’s and Friday’s are a little clearer with the lass not having school on those days. But then starting this Friday, they’ll have evening swimming classes, followed by the lass starting her dance again at the Y on Monday. The Wife is going to knitting on Thursdays. I’ll have r-ball on Monday evenings. So in the end there is little consolation to be found.
And with that, time to make dinner…