

When things get busy around here, clearly something has to give and writing to the blog is one of them.  The irony is that when things are busy- there’s lots of potential material for blogging topics.  So now that I have a little time, I get to play catch-up from memory.  The flipside is perhaps the delay is a good thing.  It acts as a sort of filter where the impulse to write about every little thing gets dulled so that every little thing doesn’t end up enshrined on a webpage.

Friday was a busy day, it was the lad’s 3rd day of school, and the lass had an ice cream social at her soon to be school that night.  Personally, I had the excitement of a pending reunion of sorts along with a guaranteed Whale siting.  More on that in another post.

While the lad was at school, I moved the last of our pellets from the driveway to the basement.  Took 7 trips running a wheelbarrow around back.  So the Wife setup the Lass with painting stuff down there and she was happily toiling away on a piece of parchment while I was lugging a ton of pellets from hither to yon.  I now present the following brief exchange:

Lass: Dad, do you like my painting?
Me:  Yes, it's very nice and colorful.  Is it a picture of a face?
Lass:  (pause) No- it's a big blobby thing.

I certainly wasn’t in a position to confront her on that one.

So it finally comes time to wait for the Lad to return on the bus.  He had fallen asleep on the ride home the previous 2 days and he made it 3 for 3 on Friday.  He’s starting to get a little upset about that and we’ll continue to finesse it with him.  I mean really, it’s barely registers on the “have-to-deal-with-this” meter and he’ll come to understand that.  I figure another couple of weeks and it won’t be an issue.  The bus driver gets a kick out of it- proudly getting to declare “He’s OUT!” to the Wife when he opens the bus door.  Naturally, the Grandparents get a kick out of it as well.

The day ended with the Lass’s “ice cream social” at her new school.  Along with the ice cream she got to meet her teacher-to-be as well as meet some of her classmates-to-be.  There was music and dancing and both kids were running around with the other kids burning off the sugar-high.  The teachers and the parents got into the act with some chicken dancing and so forth.  The night conlcuded with a trip to her classroom where the main thing for the parents was learning the drop-off and the pick-up procedures while the main thing for the kids was pulling out all the toys the could in the short time that was alloted them.

A good time was definitely had by all.

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