
Growing Pains

The way I figure it, the term “growing pains” can have 3 distinct meanings. In the literal sense, it can refer to an actual physical condition that affect younger kids from time to time. In a figurative sense, it can refer to the normal mistakes and consequences they suffer through as they mature. In another figurative sense, it can refer to all the headaches that kids can cause their parents as they grow up.

Of late, the lass has definitely fit the third version, although the Wife and I suspect it’s related to the 2nd version.

More specifically, she’s cranky and irritable in the mornings; exhibiting sudden mood swings, especially when she doesn’t get her way; and she doesn’t listen very well to our instructions for doing certain tasks that she’s, uh, not inclined to do without persuasion. For the most part, her antics are of no avail to her. In fact, depending on the state of the Wife’s or my defenses, they’re likely to result in more trouble for her than she bargained for.

By far, the most trouble for her occurs in the morning. Her main priority in the mornings isn’t breakfast or getting dressed or getting ready for school. It’s controlling the TV and whatever show she gets to watch. When she’s under its spell, she becomes almost non-responsive. When we insist on her finishing up her morning routine so she can be ready for school, she typically responds with frustration and outrage at the prospect of being disturbed to have to brush her teeth or put on her shoes. Since we’re typically not in the mood to take that kind of attitude, especially on one-cup of coffee, those moments don’t end well for her. She’s learned that she doesn’t have a right to the TV.

From the Wife’s and my perspective, it’s somewhat baffling because her behavior mimics the boy’s when he was a similar age. The boy met similar fates when he tried all of these techniques, and the lass watched him go through that period. Yet, here she is trying the exact same thing. Those who don’t learn from history really are doomed to repeat it.

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