

We’ve been in Mykonos since yesterday. It’s, essentially, the first island of the coast of Greece and a rather popular vacation spot for both Greeks and non-Greeks alike. If the reason isn’t abundantly clear after looking at the picture above, get your eyes checked. Now.

So prior to my brother losing his bachelorhood tonight, I agreed to go for a swim with him. We started on the beach from which the above picture was taken, swam to the far beach (the one behind the boat) and swam back. Our best guess is it’s a half-mile to the far beach, so that was easily the longest swim I’ve ever taken. The brother-in-law and sister swam out to the rocky area to the left of the beach.

Aside from the exercise, it also helped settle a quibble between my Father and I. He felt the water here was saltier than normal sea water. I scoffed at the notion and said it’s just different mineral content or something. But after the swim, and several large mouthfuls of sea water as I gasped my way across, I decided he was right. It’s not an unimportant observation because without the extra buoyancy afforded, I probably wouldn’t have been able to make it across.

Lastly, because the picture can’t do it justice, swimming in the water is like swimming in a pristine aquarium. It’s cool, but absolutely clear. When under the water, it’s possible to see at least 50 feet in any direction. While swimming across, the deepest spot was, minimally, 40 feet down and except for the naturally diminished light at that depth, perfectly clear.

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