
4 More Days

With only 4 days of school left, the boy received a homework assignment tonight involving his spelling words. He won’t be tested on them, as he took the test for them last week.

But this particular homework assignment has a writing element to it. He’s supposed to write something about a visiting a relative who lives far away. He’s got plenty of material to choose from, but the catch is he has to use 4 of the 10 spelling words.

He finally stopped crying after a marathon tear-fest of what seemed like hours. In reality, it was more like 15 or 20 minutes, which is still 15 or 20 minutes too long. The Wife and I both told him to step away and calm down. But he was inconsolable. We’re talking full-on balling, snuffling, sucking, tears and snot. All over a small writing assignment.

“I can’t do it….” he snuffled.

“Can somebody heeeelp ME?!?” he whined.

“This is hhhaard…” he cried.

In between there was the bleating and other sounds of sobbing. Unbelievable.

Maybe I should make him write a blog post. But first I’d better put some water protection over the keyboard.

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