
From the Annals of Duh

Kids who eat at home eat better

In reviewing 68 studies on the association between family mealtimes and children’s health, the researchers found clear patterns: Children who frequently eat at home with their families eat more fruit, vegetables, fiber, and calcium- and vitamin-rich foods. The more a child’s family eats out, the greater the amount of less nutritious food and drinks, such as soft drinks, he or she consumes. In addition, children from families who have frequent at-home meals together have a lower body mass index than those from families that eat out frequently.

I read the above paragraph to the Wife and her reply was “And they needed to perform a study to tell us that?” Just so.

Also from that linked article:

More than 40 percent of a typical American family’s budget is spent on eating out…

Now that surprised me, as it appears to me they are saying the entire family budget, not just the food or grocery budget. I know we’re way below that, meaning there must be families way above. I’m curious as to the methodology they used to come up with that number, as it seems really high.

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