
Vocab Lessons

The kids have one habit in particular that drives me crazy. It’s one of those kid things that I remember doing and only now can I appreciate the patience my parents must have practiced with me and my siblings. The worst part is that you are captive to them in this situation because you’re all in the car together. And they are bored.

And then the “potty” language starts.

I don’t know how it goes for everyone else, but for me it usually goes something like this:

daughter: You’re poopy stinky pants.
boy: You’re farty poopy stinky pants.
(more giggling- in the meantime, you can feel your braincells disappearing)
daughter: (breathing hard from laughter) You’re underwear-head

Well, I’m sure you’ve got the gist of it by now. Usually this leads to an outburst from myself, or the Wife, to the effect that we’re tired of listening to it. The fact that this particular act plays itself out pretty regularly in the car doesn’t help. They’re using the same words, saying the same thing each time it gets started.

So the last time this happened, instead of telling them to stop, I tried a different tact. I challenged them to come up with new words- to change the patter. We actually spent about 15 minutes doing this where I’d tell them, “Nah- that’s what you always say, think of something else.” I even gave them suggestions. I figure if their going to do it, at least try to make their brains work a little at it.

Now we just have to wait for the next time.

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