
Star of the Week Letter

Here’s the letter the Wife and I sent out for the boy’s Star of the Week thingy. To be honest, it was one of those assignments that ended up being more the Wife’s and mine than his. Sure, he had a few “My favorite is this” and “I like that” things to do. But the Wife printed out the pictures and cut them so they could be pasted in place. And the Wife asked for letter’s from immediate family for him. But I guess that’s the nature of the beast.

It’s hard to know what to write to you. We’ve been watching you grow up for 7 years now. Seven years might seem like a long time to you, but for your Mom and I it’s been very short. That’s probably hard for you to understand- how can a long time be short? Well, it’s like when you are with your friends. You’re so busy having fun that you forget that time goes by. And before you know it, it’s time for your friend to go home.

In your case, you’re a busy kid. You play soccer, baseball and hockey. You participate in Cub Scouts and practice karate as well as go to school. And then there are the times we go to the museum or the zoo or the beach or the park. All of those activities keep Mom and I and your sister go-go-going all the time along with you. So none of us notice all the time going by. You started out as a baby and before we knew it, here you are as a 2nd grader.

So what are some of the things your Mom and I can say about you? For one, you don’t like to wake up in the morning. You like to stay in your nice warm bed and sleep. When you do (finally!) get up, you like to watch TV. Your favorite cartoons right now are The Pink Panther and Avatar. That’s neat for your Mom and I because we used to watch the The Pink Panther when we were growing up.

You’re becoming more interested in football now. That’s neat for Dad because football is his favorite sport. Did you know the first time he ever sat and watched a football game with you, you cried? You were just a baby then, and he turned on a game with you and then looked at you and said “YAY! FOOTBALL!” And you looked at him for a moment, and then started crying. Mom just laughed.

You can be very serious. Especially when you are playing “Super Mario Brothers” on your DS. You still get upset when you are having a tough time with the game. But you always stick with it and get passed what you are having trouble with. Hopefully that’s something you never stop doing- keep on trying until you succeed.

What are some fun things about you? You are VERY ticklish. Your favorite food is hamburgers with cheese. You like to play hide-and-seek with your friends when they come over. You’ve started collecting Pokemon cards, but you haven’t learned how to play the game yet. That’s OK, none of your friends know how to play either. You like to swim in the ocean. You enjoy spending time doing crafts and baking with Mom. And you get very excited when Sparky appears each year.

Wow. That’s a lot of stuff already, and I could write a lot more too. I know earlier I wrote that 7 years seems like a short time, but the fact is you can (and you have!) done a lot in 7 years. Your Mom and I have been around that whole time, watching you and helping you and teaching you. There is still a lot for you to do and to learn. And your Mom and I are looking forward to it.

We love you!

5 replies on “Star of the Week Letter”

Yeah…I thought it was correspondence type stuff, not life summaries to this date…clearly an assignment that could have utilized a little more explanation from the teacher.

It was whatever you wanted to write about. I actually preferred NOT having life summaries and the like because it’s more interesting to have a bunch of different types of letter with different content.

Ours ended up being a summary because I couldn’t figure out if the teacher was actually going to read the letter aloud to the class (apparently, some teachers do- google for “star of the week” and you’ll see it’s a pretty common assignment). My preference would have been an advice type theme, but I didn’t think if appropriate if it was going to be read aloud.

I liked yours and the others because they’re the sort of thing that, a few years from now, he might read and “remember when” type thing.

I was just stating my case in order to lay the groundwork for a better grade…I haven’t done homework in a while, so I wanted to make sure the teacher was aware that they were in for a fight if my grade was not satisfactory.

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