
A Contrast in Style

The lass came home from school today and couldn’t have been happier. She found a potential new friend just down the road, she got to see Louie and she is officially in Kindergarten. As far as she’s concerned, it’s all good. She was even ecstatic about getting 3 folders for her class. “You’re never going to believe this…” she said. She was right, I never would have believed it.

Then there was the boy. Who sullenly slunk off the bus with nary a word. He shuffled down the driveway in the rain, unwilling to respond to my questions. Finally, when I asked how the teacher was he replied “The should call her Mrs. Yell, ’cause that’s all she did all day.” Strong words. Why was she yelling?

“She yelled at us to be quiet and to sit down and to pay attention.”

Hmmm. I suspect that his definition of yelling doesn’t match my own. Frankly, I’m disappointed in myself; perhaps I should yell more so he can tell the difference. I also know that his teacher is a new one and likely wanted to lay down the law with a bunch of 2nd graders who were all still a bit over excited at seeing each other after Summer vacation.

He also wasn’t too excited at the prospect of homework. Nor his assignment book where he’s supposed to have us sign off on his doing 10 minutes of reading a night. Plus he’s got spelling tests coming up every Friday.

So, in all, plenty of things for him to get worked up about. One hopes there’s no where to go but up from here.

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