Just follow these simple steps:
- Determine current fiscal year tax revenue. We’ll call it $Our_Money.
- Subtract 5% to allow for variance in revenue for next fiscal year. We’ll call this $Adjusted_Our_Money
- Make sure that expenditures don’t go above $Adjusted_Our_Money.
Simple. Now, for Social Security and Medicare.
- Forget about the SS “Trust Fund.” It doesn’t exist other than as accounting fiction.
- Determine total yearly Medicare revenue and SS revenue. We’ll call these $AMA_Vote_Money and $OldPerson_Vote_Money, respectively.
- Limit monthly outlays to ($AMA_Vote_Money/12) and ($OldPerson_Vote_Money/12).
Note that with this plan, we can likely pay down the debt a bit per year.
Now, really, was that so hard?