
How to Eliminate the Deficit

Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Determine current fiscal year tax revenue. We’ll call it $Our_Money.
  2. Subtract 5% to allow for variance in revenue for next fiscal year. We’ll call this $Adjusted_Our_Money
  3. Make sure that expenditures don’t go above $Adjusted_Our_Money.

Simple. Now, for Social Security and Medicare.

  1. Forget about the SS “Trust Fund.” It doesn’t exist other than as accounting fiction.
  2. Determine total yearly Medicare revenue and SS revenue. We’ll call these $AMA_Vote_Money and $OldPerson_Vote_Money, respectively.
  3. Limit monthly outlays to ($AMA_Vote_Money/12) and ($OldPerson_Vote_Money/12).

Note that with this plan, we can likely pay down the debt a bit per year.

Now, really, was that so hard?

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