That’s the best word for the lass at this point. Once she sets her mind to something, there is absolutely, positively no reasoning her out of it or convincing her otherwise.
This morning she refused to eat her oatmeal breakfast. Why? Not because she doesn’t like oatmeal. But because she wanted waffles. It was protest fast, apparently.
But it’s not limited to food, though that’s a target rich environment. Clothing, shoes, toys, games and other things I’m sure I’ve forgotten to mention all fall prey to her whims. For instance, for most of the Summer, she refused to wear anything on her feet, despite repeated requests and warnings about splinters from our deck. After the first splinter was pulled out, we figured she’d start wearing them. Seems logical, right?
Not the lass. Instead, she now refuses to let anyone but herself remove splinters from her feet. Not only that, but she insists on a very particular set of tweezers for the task.
How can she be stubborn about clothing, you ask?
Certain tops have to be worn with certain bottoms. Don’t dare try to mess with that order, lest ye receive a tantrum and scolding about what shirt she can wear with that bottom.
And she’s only 4.
2 replies on “Stubborn”
Yeay !!
But DDDAAADDDD…they have to match!!!