This seems to be the latest meme anyway. Considering how most pundits require some kind of exhaustively researched study, and there’s none I’ve seen referenced, I’m not sure where the justification for the statement comes from. So a couple of talking-heads identified with conservatism spout off about soccer, and now all conservatives are soccer haters? I’ll just quote Riggs from Lethal Weapon: boy that’s thin.
I grew-up on football, basketball and to a lesser extent hockey and baseball. I understand those sports. They are available every year. Soccer has never been a major sport to me. To the extent it was available, it was always a “rival” to football. Sorry, but football’s better. Anyone who says different is a fool.
But I don’t hate soccer. I can even appreciate the skill involved in the game.
Seeing as if one was to pigeon hole me politically it would be as a conservative, I just wanted to note that at least one ‘conservative’ doesn’t hate soccer. At best I’m ambivalent. Now if the lass or the boy gets involved to any degree in the sport, then that may change. But for now, soccer has plenty of fans and it’ll do fine without me.
And if hating soccer DOES become a conservative requirement, then conservatism will also have to do without me. Even though I really don’t give two hoots about who wins the World Cup.