Being a reformed video game junky, I can attest to the notion that life has a wicked sense of humor.
We got the kids a Wii video game system last Christmas. Now, having familiarity with video games growing up, I was well aware of the possibility that the kids would be smitten with it to the point of obsession. Fast forward a year later and I have the following conversation with each kid almost daily:
Child: Dad, can I play the Wii?
Me: No.
Child (whining): OHHHH, I want to play the Wiiiiiiiii. Why can’t I play the Wiiiiiiiiii?
Me: Because I said so.
Child (still whining): That’s not fairrrrrrrrrr…. I want to play the Wiiiiiiiiiiiii
On a few occasions, I strayed from the above script by taking the time to explain that they need to find other ways to play. That they have other toys and games that they need to explore. That they should be using their imagination to invent worlds and scenarios and whatever else they can come up with. The Wii substitutes someone else’s imagination and it isn’t healthy for them to play the Wii all the time, or even some of the time, at their tender age.
Every now and again, the boy will try reverse psychology on me:
The Boy: Dad, I’ve been trying to think of something else to play and all I can think of is the Wii.
Me: Well, try harder.
The Boy: Don’t even tell me what else I can do. All I can think of is the Wii.
Me: Well, that’s the problem.
The Boy: Can I play the Wii?
Me: Nope.
The Boy: GRRRRRR!!!! (stomps off in frustration)
When I really want to flummox them, I go all Zen and tell them that they can only play the Wii when they don’t want to play the Wii. That’s usually good for a confused look, an eye roll, or a huff as they stomp away.
So, based on my experience, I would advise parents to save themselves a headache and put off video games for as long as possible. The headache of putting it off pales compared to the headache of keeping them from it.