
A Familiar Storyline

They’ve been showing the ads for 60 Minutes and now articles are starting to crop up to the same effect. I’ve commented on it before, but the probability that Lance Armstrong wasn’t using PED’s had to be somewhere near 0 at this point. It’s only ever been a matter of time before people with first-hand knowledge started talking. Looks like that time is now.

Regarding cycling, I think PED abuse is a bigger problem than in other sports for a simple reason: it’s all about the training and the belief that only guys who train for it can compete, particularly where the Tour de France is concerned. As soon as the public comes round to thinking that even professionals require drugs to complete the race, the mystique of competing in and winning the most grueling race in the world is gone. After all, it’s not a long walk from there to the conclusion that any Joe, given the right mixture of drugs, could compete in Tour. I’m not saying that’s correct, but I think it’s a reasonable guess at what a majority of people would conclude based on general perceptions of what PED’s are about.

To most people (and I say this because I’ve spoken with a lot of people involved in recreational sports who clearly have misconceptions) PED’s are magic potions that make someone “more” than what they normally are. Need to run a marathon? Shoot some steroid into your blood, or HGH, or some other magic acronym and problem solved.

In a sense, they do make an athlete “more” than they were. PED’s accelerate recovery and healing (steroids are used to aid surgery patients in recovery is my understanding). The accelerated recovery allows an athlete to work out at rates that would destroy their bodies otherwise. It’s why Barry Bonds was able to hit 80 (or whatever) homeruns in a season- he never got tired or worn down from the grind of the season. It’s also why they are so seductive to a cyclist in the Tour: it allows them to recover from the beating of the event itself.

So as regards Lance Armstrong, the “fallen hero” story line will eventually come to pass, if it hasn’t already. Considering his “Livestrong” persona and what he’s been able to do regarding research money for cancer, it’s an unfortunate turn of events, though. I, personally, take no gratification in seeing him fall.

As regards the Tour, and cycling more generally,I think the only answer, if they are serious about the perception of their event, is to assume that, short complete control over their competitors, there will be cheating. From that stance, the answer becomes straight-forward: remove the cyclists from their support structure. Give them strict schedules for housing and eating. Assign officials to monitor the support crews both in the cars and out. They need to remove any and all autonomy from the cyclists. Even then, I’m not sure it will work- it might well destroy the event because no one will want to compete in it anymore.

But allowing their competitors to continue as they are will surely destroy the sport anyway.


TV Finales

Last night’s The Mentalist capped off a good run for finales of the TV shows I watch regularly. The Mentalist, in particular, was very good. Concluding the storyline that has served to hold the show together since it began. No major complaints about the ending to be had. I suppose the only question now is whether the series develops a new storyline to replace the old one. Hard to say, as the only thing that kept Jane’s near insufferable arrogance in check was superior (until last night) adversary. Wonder how the writers will work that out?

Criminal Minds is still the best show going as far as I’m concerned. It’s finale this week was also excellent and it was certainly a twist to have a character return to the show, as opposed to another one leaving. The way the show has developed a revolving door for it’s cast, I half wonder if they just need a break from the relentlessly dark and disturbing subject matter they portray.

Now the only thing on until the Fall will be baseball. Time to get back to work on the armoire I think…


“We Can Always Use the Rain”

Most of us just don’t want it all at once.

6 days and counting…



Via Engadget, video of a Swiss guy flying via jetpack over the Grand Canyon. Thankfully, it’s not the only way to fly, but it does make for a cool video.


Man’s Best Friend?

We have a 3 year old German Shepherd who has enough energy to power a small town for a week. By and large, he’s a good, lovable, eager-to-please, fun loving animal.

Every morning, in order to help him burn off some of his energy (Yes- he wakes up ready to run wind sprints) we let him outside to roam and frolic in the yard. When I let him back in this morning, he had a shocking amount of sand and grime on his coat. Since we had a frost this morning, I assumed that was the main contributor and didn’t think any more of it.

Until I stepped outside and saw the hole in the yard that he’d dug.

In the yard where I’d spent several hours spreading loam, grass seed and fertilizer in an attempt to rejuvenate grass growth. He’d dug the hole right … IN … THE … MIDDLE … OF … IT.

For a few minutes, I wanted to bury him in that hole.



I got a surprise request last night. I was asked to become the CubMaster for the local Cub Scout pack. Having been attending the Pack committee meetings for the past year, I have some idea of what it entails. That said, I’m sure there’s plenty I’m unaware of.

The dealings with the kids is the part the I’m least concerned with, though it’s possible I’m underestimating that challenge as well. There’s the promotional aspects of Scouting that I’m not thrilled about- that sort of thing isn’t a strength of mine and never will be.

So we discussed it briefly last night and I left it at “I need to think about it.” I also conveyed that I wasn’t saying “No.” But I haven’t said “Yes” yet either.

I’m just noodling…


Vet Trip

Why am I always the one the cat fixes his eyes on when they stick the thermometer up his rear? It’s always a look communicating “I hold you responsible for my predicament and I will have my VENGEANCE!”

I think the Wife can take the cat next time.


I Learned A New Word!

Glenn Reynolds posts:

MORE OBAMACARE CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: “Can mainstream news organizations provide fair and objective coverage of public policy when the laws in question put federal subsidies directly into their pockets?” No, but since they’d support what Obama did regardless, it’s not really a conflict of interest. Once you’re in the tank, you’re in the tank. This is just lagniappe.

Lagniappe? What the hell is that?


So it’s like getting travel soap and shampoo on the way out of the store- “Thanks for spending all that money, here’s a little worthless something from us to you.” Or in this case it’s more like, in exchange for their credibility they get an Obama bobble head doll. Or something.



Congrats to UConn Men

Championship number three is theirs. I saw the first half and it wasn’t a pretty game then. Based on the final score, 53-41, UConn was able to get some offense going in the second half, but Butler never did.

I’m of a slightly more muddled opinion regarding Jim Calhoun this time around. With the caveat that I’ve never met the man, I haven’t heard many good things about him from a personal or coaching standpoint- mostly, he’s won a lot of games at UConn. The NCAA caught up with him a bit and has suspended him for a bunch of games next year.

Regardless of the coach’s transgressions, I think his players have earned their accolades. They are the guys on the floor and without them, a coach doesn’t have anything. So, well done guys.



W. T. F.

Sorry for that, but it’s an accurate assessment of my reaction this morning to the revelation that the school had a delayed opening today. It’s just unbelievable.

The roads have no snow on them. None. There is barely enough to cover the dead grass in our yard. The temperature is above 32 degrees- that means there is no ice on the ground.

There was no reason to delay school this morning. Yet they did.

I actually called the superintendent a few moment ago. Luckily for them, I got the very pleasant and patient secretary who was kind enough to commisserate with me for a few moments, listened to my complaint and, in all likelihood, forgot the call a millisecond after I hung up.

If this is an April Fool’s joke, I’m not laughing.


Sharp Dressed Man

Let the record show that I made it almost to the age of 40 before I owned my first suit. There was a time when I’d have gone out of my way to make sure that the streak went unbroken.

But sometimes you have to go along to get along. Friends invited us to a fancy dinner party, and the attire is formal as in I-need-a-suit. Faced with the decision, it really wasn’t very difficult, surprisingly. The Wife had fun helping me choose styles and what not.

I think this is a sign of maturity. I blame the kids.


Spring Not Springing

We didn’t get as much snow as was predicted last night, but the cold weather has arrived and it’s supposes to stay this way until next week, when it will just return to normal. Basically, it’s more like late November than late March at this point.

I’m beginning to think it will be Winter right up until it’s Summer.


And Then There Was 1

One of the original 29 Navajo code talkers passed away today, leaving only 1 still living member of the group. I’ve always thought this was one of the more interesting stories from the World War’s. There’s a Wiki page with more info about the Code Talkers, as well as links to even more.



On the drive home from bringing the kids to school, I spied myself a tailgater. Now I was driving at the appropriate speed on the road, so there was really no cause for riding 3 feet off my rear bumper. You know, so close that the rear view mirror looks like a closeup of the driver? I hate that.

Fortunately, I was going to be turning in a few moments, giving me an opportunity to deploy one of my preferred tactics against tailgating buffoons: the suddenly-slow-down-to-almost-a-complete-stop-but-not-quite-to-make-a-turn move. Use your turn signal! Bonus points for pre “drifting” towards the center of the road; thus, preventing the tailgater from swinging around you before your turn is complete.

The frustrated gesticulations are like a bonus cup of coffee. Next time don’t tailgate. Jerk.


End of an Era- Officially

I’m not a huge space buff, but I think I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that yesterday was the final flight of the Space Shuttle Discovery. With over 148 million miles and 365 days in space to it’s credit, more than any other single spacecraft today, it’s place in space history is secure.

Fittingly, it’s final resting place will be the Smithsonian.


Back in the Saddle

One thing I figured out quickly- sitting in front of a computer with a fever is pointless. I couldn’t summon the concentration required to write even a quick post saying something provocative like “I feel like crap.” I could barely summon the concentration to sit and read a typical Instapundit post of the “Heh. Indeed.” variety.

Last night I was (finally!) pretty much back to my old self- minus a good night’s sleep. That problem was remedied overnight. As to what I was suffering from, basically I had some congestion, a bit of a cough, mild dizziness and a fever. Let’s just call it a “cold.”

I’ll conclude this by saying “Momma, don’t let your babies grow-up to have their tonsils removed…” This sort of cold has become a normal thing for me ever since my tonsils were removed due to a second occurrence of a peritonsillar abscess. At the time, the ENT doc told me that the second occurrence meant I was very likely to get more of them and he said the best treatment was to just have the tonsils removed. He gave me a course of antibiotics to treat the infection and I was fine.

My initial reaction was to resist the doc’s advice and not have my tonsils removed. After all, it had been over 15 years since my previous tonsil infection and all it took was a course of augmentin to fix me up. That didn’t seem like a bad tradeoff. Ultimately, I allowed myself to be convinced otherwise and the tonsils came out. Now, I won’t get that particular infection anymore, but I have these annoying cold-fevers to deal with because my tonsils aren’t there to help prevent them in the first place.

Too late for myself, but for those who happen to read this- consider yourself advised by someone with experience. Don’t have your tonsils removed unless it’s life threatening.

And now, back to normal blogging.


Thought for the Day

There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you.

– Bruce Lee

I found that in an article about memories and how far the average memory can be pushed. Naturally, I memorized it.


The Singularity Doesn’t Sound So Great

Via Instapundit, The Speculist has some thoughts about “Watson”- the latest computer to be humans at their own game. In this case, the game is Jeopardy. In the course of doing so, Mr. Gordon writes:

A key feature of the Singularity will be our inability, as normal humans with normal human intelligence, to foresee the future. Why? Because after that point the goals and desires of more intelligent entities will be calling the shots. They will be doing all the inventing, and making judgements as to what goals to pursue. Normal people will be on the sidelines.

If this is what the Singularity entails, we’re in deep doo-doo. First of all, we’re not so good at predicting the future as it is. Will there be a Super Bowl next year? Who will Instapundit link in his next post? What’s tomorrow’s high temperature going to be at my house? Ask the Obama administration how easy it was to predict events in Egypt. Since predictions aren’t our forte, I fail to see how a “singularity” makes much of a difference here.

But if some “more intelligent entities” will be calling all the shots, then why so confident that “normal people” will just be on the sidelines? Isn’t that just a PC way of saying “extinct”? Or are Singularity enthusiasts, despite their current lack of ability to predict the future, confident in predicting that these “more intelligent entities” will have a completely different view regarding “survival of the species”? What’s to keep “normal” people from becoming slaves to these new entities?

I’m not a Singularity expert by any means and I doubt I’m the first to ask these sorts of questions. Also, Googling the term “singularity” brings up a number of different possible definitions. So, as with everything it seems, it depends on the definitions in play. That said, generally I see references to a “singularity” that imply great, benevolent outcomes as a result. But looking at Mr. Gordon’s paragraph above, I’m more skeptical now about such an event.


A Tough Winter

This week will be our first probably since November where we have temps consistently above the freezing mark. We also have no major storms forecast, a first since before Christmas. This week’s weather will certainly bring a measure of hope that the worst is behind us. The youth hockey season is winding down and talk is already turning towards Little League, spring soccer and even lacrosse. Some are even talking about Summer camps.

It’s hard not to appreciate the notion that, regardless of what happens between now and the beginning of Spring, this will be a Winter to remember. In fact, it’s literally true that things won’t be the same after this one. Locally, 4 buildings have collapsed due to the snow load and there are scores of stories about people falling off roofs and damaging digits in snow-thrower mishaps. Everyone is already concerned about “the Melt” and grabbing sump pumps or making sure the ones they have are operational.

It’s fitting that even as Ol’ Man Winter begins to leave the scene, he’ll still leave challenges with his parting. Even then, none of us will forget his handiwork this year.


Speaking of Boondoggles

How ’bout that iPhone on Verizon launch yesterday? Can you say oops? Jobs’ Reality Distortion Field had better be bug free this time around.

Of course, if that doesn’t interest you, there’s Nokia’s decision to do, well, nothing. I guess that’s not entirely true. They’ve decided to hitch themselves to the Microsoft bandwagon and will be using Windows Phone 7 for their smartphone line. But otherwise, it’s full speed ahead straight into oblivion…

And just for kicks and giggles, how ’bout the President’s dealing with events in Egypt? At least he’s staying on top of things.

At the current boondoggling pace, I’d expect the mother-of-all snowstorms to start winding up in the Pacific so it can hit the East Coast sometime late next week. You know, what with global-warming … I mean climate change (another boondoggle) and all. Perhaps we can throw a solar storm in their for good measure… or the government can fix healthcare.