
Rain Rain- Go Away

Vacation week for the Wife didn’t get off to the best of starts, weather-wise. It started early this morning and has been relentless ever since. I’d forgotten about our little pool out back and, when I finally did remember to check, it had filled within an inch or so of the top. Seeing as it was continuing to rain, I had to setup a siphon to drain it back to normal levels. I’m pretty sure it’ll still get topped off.

Judging by the weather radar for our area, it doesn’t look like it’ll be stopping today.


If It Was Anymore Humid…

…we’d need gills to breathe. Thursday can’t get here quick enough.



It was 92 by 11 this morning and the humidity makes it a little difficult to breathe. Luckily, the kids have swim lessons this afternoon, so we’ve got it handled.

That said, there’s something unseemly at the hype the heat is getting from local news outlets and TWC. Sure, it’s hot. But we’ve seen longer, hotter spells than this. For that matter, there are places where our current “plight” would be considered a relief.

For our part, we’ve got 1 room with air conditioning and- other than the dogs, who have permanent fur coats- none of us will be spending any time in it until tonight. I hate the heat, but I’m pretty sure I’ll survive this round of it. Just like the rounds before. Ditto for the Wife and kids.

Everyone needs to chill a little.


Living Up to the Old Adage

What “old adage” would that be? The one about “If you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes.” Last week at this time, we were going through a miserably hot and humid stretch of weather. Then, come the weekend the hi’s never got out of the 60’s. So far this week, we’ve been tickling the 70’s and today it’s supposed to be sunny but on the cooler side with highs in the low 70’s.

Bearing in mind I’ve only been up here in the NE for about 15 years, I can honestly say that this year’s weather patterns have been more schizophrenic than any other year. Anecdotally, I’m also under the impression that 7 day forecasts have been more incorrect than correct, with frequent changes even just a day or two out. Overall, my impression is that’s its been to the cooler and wetter side. But we still have July and August to come.

Just don’t ask what the weather will be tomorrow, ’cause I don’t think anyone really knows.



W. T. F.

Sorry for that, but it’s an accurate assessment of my reaction this morning to the revelation that the school had a delayed opening today. It’s just unbelievable.

The roads have no snow on them. None. There is barely enough to cover the dead grass in our yard. The temperature is above 32 degrees- that means there is no ice on the ground.

There was no reason to delay school this morning. Yet they did.

I actually called the superintendent a few moment ago. Luckily for them, I got the very pleasant and patient secretary who was kind enough to commisserate with me for a few moments, listened to my complaint and, in all likelihood, forgot the call a millisecond after I hung up.

If this is an April Fool’s joke, I’m not laughing.


Spring Not Springing

We didn’t get as much snow as was predicted last night, but the cold weather has arrived and it’s supposes to stay this way until next week, when it will just return to normal. Basically, it’s more like late November than late March at this point.

I’m beginning to think it will be Winter right up until it’s Summer.


A Tough Winter

This week will be our first probably since November where we have temps consistently above the freezing mark. We also have no major storms forecast, a first since before Christmas. This week’s weather will certainly bring a measure of hope that the worst is behind us. The youth hockey season is winding down and talk is already turning towards Little League, spring soccer and even lacrosse. Some are even talking about Summer camps.

It’s hard not to appreciate the notion that, regardless of what happens between now and the beginning of Spring, this will be a Winter to remember. In fact, it’s literally true that things won’t be the same after this one. Locally, 4 buildings have collapsed due to the snow load and there are scores of stories about people falling off roofs and damaging digits in snow-thrower mishaps. Everyone is already concerned about “the Melt” and grabbing sump pumps or making sure the ones they have are operational.

It’s fitting that even as Ol’ Man Winter begins to leave the scene, he’ll still leave challenges with his parting. Even then, none of us will forget his handiwork this year.


Returning to Normal?

The past couple of days have been a bit above average temperature wise. Topping the 40 degree mark 2 days in a row in fact! For some perspective, the beginning of January was the last time we saw weather this warm. And, at this point in the Winter, I’m not being one bit ironic when referring to highs around 40 as “warm.”

Aside from the temperatures, it’s been a physically demanding Winter as well. I’ve probably used the snowblower as often as a lawn mower. Even then, I still use the shovel to clean off our deck and a path to the wood pile. The wood also requires a fair amount of effort to keep a ready supply and at-hand. Yesterday I chopped up the ice on our driveway with an adz. All the snow that had been on the roof was pulled off with a roof-rake and then moved again with a shovel because once it landed, the snow was too hard to push a snow blower through it. The sum total of all this is I’ve lost about 10 lbs from all the extra work. Who needs a gym membership?

Finally, though, it appears our recent pattern is about to be broken. We have some more cold coming later this week, but there is another warm up coming afterwards. We’re forecasted to get some light snow tonight, but there are no further storms in the immediate future. At this rate, the kids may actually have a full week of school!

Of course, it’s New England. Give it five minutes, the weather will change.


More Winter Storm Blogging

Frankly, I’d rather have another 18″ of snow than the crap we’re getting today. It was snow up until about 6AM, then it turned to sleet and then freezing rain. Now it’s just rain. No guess as to how much heavier the snow is now, but it’s definitely heavier.

I did take advantage of the situation. I was able to walk on the snow piles without sinking in, so I used them as stepstools to reach further onto the roof and drag more snow off it. Unfortunately, by the time I was done with that and plowing I was so exhausted that I couldn’t do any raking on the other side of the house.

Also on the plus side is the workout. I lost a couple more pounds today. Shoveling this stuff is easily as difficult as any workout I could create. So I’ve got that going for me.

Now, time to go give the kids some math and handwriting lessons.


This Just In- It’s Snowing!

School was cancelled at 5AM this morning, so the kids are sitting watching cartoons at the moment. On the plus side, they helped empty the dishwasher, so I guess that earns them a little down time.

The predictions are for anywhere from 5″ to 10″ for us. Tomorrow the ice and sleet and freezing rain move in so I’d say tomorrow will be the worse of the two. The kids are guaranteed not to have school tomorrow as well.

Along those lines, I’m hearing more talk about forgoing the Winter vacation so that the school year isn’t extended until the end of June. One district has already played that card here in Connecticut. I may have to conduct some lessons for the kids myself today.

I wouldn’t want them to think staying home from school is just automatically fun, now would I?


Winter Storm2 Pix

The past 24 hours has basically conspired to keep me from getting to this. But fear not! I have a few minutes free time and without further ado, here are the afore promised snow pictures.

After the jump…


For Posterity’s Sake

It was -9 degrees as of 7 o’clock this morning. But it’s been warming quickly. It’s already 14 degrees outside. I tried tossing boiling water into the air, but it still wasn’t cold enough to cause it all to turn into snow. Bummer.


The Cold Arrives

When we went to bed last night around 10:30, the temp was measuring at 20 degrees or so. Pretty cool, but no great shakes. Especially for this Winter.

I woke up around 4 this morning to tend our fire. While doing so, I checked the temperature again and it was 14 degrees.

Hmmmph. So much for the “cold,” I thought. I mixed up the coals so they could burn down some more then laid down on the couch to get a little more sleep. I sleep on the couch in the mornings like that so as not to wake the Wife with repeated trips out of bed. Besides, the couch is actually pretty comfortable when the fire is going.

I woke up again to load up the fireplace with would around 5:30. Once again, for HA-HA’s I checked the temperature.

8 degrees. The temp had fallen 6 degree’s in one-and-a-half hours. The same amount it had fallen in the 6 hours from when I went to bed to when I got up the first time.

As I sit here typing this, it’s now down to 4 degrees. The Sun is up, as is everyone else in the house. Now I get to take the boy to hockey.

My fire tending duties weren’t for naught.