
A Fall Day

Today was breezy with rain. Leaves and pine needles that is.

The day was actually quite spectacular. It started with some actual rain. By mid-morning it was clearing. By noon, it was bright, sunny and breezy.

Before today, most of the trees still had leaves. After today, the trees were noticeably lighter.

Both kids had school today. I spent the morning with the boy having a donut and coffee at D&D and then at the Y. I spent most of the afternoon with the lass out in the yard cutting firewood. When the boy returned, we had them both stay outside.

The wind had really picked up- with very strong gusts. The gusts took leaves and needles and sent them spraying over the yard. Mother Nature was providing a different sort of fireworks show. The kids loved it. The leaves and needles would start falling and they would start running. And screaming. And smiling. And laughing. They wanted to catch all the leaves and needles as they fell, but it didn’t matter if they caught anything. I couldn’t help smiling watching the lunacy. It was tiring to watch them sprint out to catch the leaves, then sprint back when the gust died down, then do it all again for the next gust. They were barely winded when it was all over.

It’s a funny sort of thing. You stand there watching and the moment is fleeting, but you don’t want it to be because they’ll only be like this now, here. They don’t understand fleeting though. For them, adulthood is Mom and Dad- they’ll never be a grownup. Maybe that’s why they can give parents moments like that. Because for them, there’s always another opportunity. And always will be.

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