

Just got word from the Wife that a co-worker has contracted H1N1. It sounds like he exposed co-workers to the virus since he started getting sick earlier in the week and then was out afterwards. Unfortunately, the Wife was at corporate HQ and it’s quite probable she was exposed, as she was in this individual’s presence just prior to his absence.

Upon hearing the news, I opted to do a little research.

Now, before making the following statement, I’d like to state that I don’t get sick. Ever. In the last 20 years, I have been sick a handful of times. I can’t even remember the last time I got a flu shot.

Based on that, it probably won’t be a surprise when I state that I don’t see the big deal here about H1N1. Also called “swine flu” because it was initially believed to have a lot in common with pig flu strains, it turns out that it really doesn’t have much in common. Just a couple of genes. It also has genes in common with bird flus. You can go read more about it here. The link also makes it clear that the deaths which have occurred involved other high risk medical conditions. It does not indicate that H1N1 is an nastier than the typical seasonal flu.

Apparently the big concern is that it could mutate into something worse, like in the 1920’s. So I guess the logic is that if we can kill it in its crib, so to speak, we can prevent it from having the opportunity to mutate. To which I say, how do we know it hasn’t already mutated? Are there hard and fast rules that we know of regarding flu virus mutation? I mean, really, what makes people think we have ANY control over this thing? I know this may sound heretical, but perhaps people contracting H1N1 is the best defense against any mutation.

Having cavalierly dismissed the disease at this point, I’ll also say that the appropriate action here would be to take your normal precautions. Contrary to my tone, I’m NOT hoping people get sick. If getting the vaccines makes you feel better, then do so(although, from my reading, it sounds like the effectiveness of flu vaccines is questionable). The usual suggestions regarding cleanliness are also appropriate. Beyond that, I’m not sure that life has to, or should, stop because this thing is out there.

3 replies on “H1N1”

Amen Brother! Seriously, most of what I read actually describes this strain as even weaker than the run of the mill flu. Heck, down here doctors are now saying that anyone who has had flu like symptoms in the past few weeks has a 98% probability that they had the H1N1 strain and are now immune. At the end of the day you can chalk this one up to a wavering commitment to people buying flu shots because of their inept supply in past years, now business is booming and the pharmaceutical industry is laughing all the way to the bank.

Does anyone remember Radon test kits in the late 80’s and early 90’s or maybe you remember a little thing called cholesterol and how eggs were the devil? Well, here we go again…I also remember something about Y2K and the end of the world…fact of the matter is that the vast majority of our society is uninformed and gullible, advertisers prey on that and they know how to make their clients money.

Now, all this being said, I know that my tone in this message will pretty much secure my fate to contract the flu this year, but I am also sure that my tone has secured the fact that anyone reading this is hoping for that to happen!

All I can say is, east right, take a shower, wash your hands, exercise, and just live your life and stop listening to the media, they are the only devil we all have to deal with on a daily basis!

Seems to me there was an issue, not so long ago, when you were VERY sick …. so, don’t be too quick to verbalize strong opinions … as you have two little germ/bots who will bring home LOTS of bugs to test your resistance !!!

I’m not sure that verbalizing strong opinions will affect the probablility of getting it. At this point, I’ll either get it good or not at all. Like I said, the odds are almost certain that the Wife was exposed as she was with the coworker just prior to his being absent with H1N1. So we’ll know soon enough.

If I don’t get it, then we know that the Wife’s immune system was strong enough to repel it.

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