
Punch Buggy!

The oldy but goody travelling game has made a comeback thanks to the
kids, and some slightly updated rules.

At this point, I can’t remember how exactly the kids became aware of the Punch Buggy game. The Wife or I might have mentioned it at one point. Just as likely, the learned it from a friend. Either way, the game has caught on with the two of them and the Wife and I have had to dust off our old Punch Buggy spotting skills.

Because of the updated cars, we’ve made some simple modifications to the game. Original VW Beetles are worth twice the normal amount and are called “classics.” So the original convertibles are worth 4 points while the original Beetles are worth 2 and we call them out saying “Punch Buggy Classic Red!” Or green or blue or whatever color we spot. The updated Beetles are worth the normal amount.

The most interesting thing about the game is how many Beetles are actually out on the road around here. Even the Classic’s are more prevalent than I’d have imagined.

The kids are pretty good at the game as well. The Wife and I rarely see our marks before the kids, especially when they are on. It also leads to the occasional argument when one kid doesn’t buy that the other actually saw a Punch Buggy. Then accusations of making it up or making a mistake start flying.

It’s something to help pass the time in the car.

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