
Interesting Profile of a Pickpocket

Via Instapundit, an article about a performing pickpocket. Really interesting stuff and not the first time I’ve read about this connection between neuroscience and magic. Basically, scientists are breaking down magic routines to study how our attention can be manipulated, and thus theorize on how it actually works.

Here’s the best bit in the whole article:

“I been playing since I was knee-high to a shit-ball,” he said. “At first, I was a moll buzzer. I used to play in the ghetto. Then I started playing Skokie, then I started playing downtown in the Loop. They got Shot-Jims down there, and if you can play at that level and beat a chump, right there on the corner in front of they face- believe me, you can play.”

That’s a quote from another pickpocket mentioned in the article. You’ll have to go read the article for a translation.

One reply on “Interesting Profile of a Pickpocket”

This is a testament to the fact that society loves its champions. The fascinating part of this story is the idea that this guy is the best in the world at what he does and all the aspects of his life that surround that idea make this really interesting.

If this guy was a hack and had been busted and in prison for getting caught stealing, he would not be interesting at all and this story would fall apart.

The idea that he is doing something that no one else is able to do, and he does it at an almost surreal level, is awesome.


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