
On Romney’s Tax Returns

This chorus is getting almost deafening on the political blogs. Dare I say the conventional wisdom is for him to release them.


Frankly, Romney chose a position and he should stick with it. Changing course due to pressure from the political hacks of the world would only serve to diminish him, as far as I’m concerned.

Further, we all know that the President and his flunkies will dishonestly represent whatever is revealed in the tax returns. Romney would be opening the door even more to being defined by his opponents. I wonder if any of these goofballs “demanding” Romney release his tax returns honestly believes they’d reveal anything about his fitness to be President. Do they expect something illegal to be there? It’s not like the IRS is beating down his door for them. How do I know? Because the political world would be bleating it from the mountain tops.

What I’d really like to see, though, is for him to go on the offensive on this issue in some way. For instance, he could demand that the President release all information related to Fast and Furious. Or he could demand that the President come clean on some other sensitive political issue. Or he could demand the President don a clown suit for a week. I’d like to see him flip the script, turn the whole tactic around on the President.

Similarly, Romney should be more assertive regarding the current stupidity about his Bain retirement. For instance, he could reply “What does a community organizer know about running a business?” or “I can understand why the President is confused about my leaving Bain, since he clearly never had any similar experience.” It’s not like the President is some untouchable being on anything.

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