
Nook Tablet Update- Part II

In the previous post on this topic, I went over the new rooting method for the Nook Tablet that involves simply booting an SD card with some special files on it. It was pretty simple stuff, really, and gives the user access to the Android Market for apps.

However, if you were like me and had loaded apps from the Amazon market prior to getting the v1.4.1 update from Barnes and Noble, then you were still hung up. The “unknown sources” hack was still unavailable at this point.

Luckily, there’s an alternative. It’s possible to used the Android Debugging Bridge (adb) to load apps. And as it happens, there’s an app that overrides the unknown sources block, thus allowing for installing apps from Amazon.

First, the Android SDK has to be installed. I’m not going to go over that as it’s documented elsewhere. It’s easy enough to find and do. Once the SDK is installed, make sure any path settings are updated appropriately. Then, it will be time to setup the adb to recognize the nook.

Just to be clear, these instructions are for linux. In particular, I’m using debian linux.

The next step is to update the rules for udev so that certain links are created when the device is plugged in. This is the resource I used to help get it all running. Create a file in /etc/udev/rules.d/ like 20-android.rules and enter the following 3 lines:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb",ATTR{idVendor}=="2080", MODE="0666", OWNER="<user>"

The first line assigns permissions and the owner to the device. The <user> is a place holder and should be replaced by the user name of whomever is running adb. Without this line, permission errors occur when connecting to the nook. The other 2 lines create symbolic links in the /dev directory that adb uses to connect to an android device.

When done, load the new rules into udev using udevadm or by just restarting the daemon.

Next up, modify, or create, the file ~/.android/adb_usb.ini and add a line that reads simply 0x2080. Alternatively, plug the nook in and type the following command:

$ android update adb

Next, debugging needs to be enabled on the nook. Simply try to install something from Amazon. When asked, choose the “Package Installer” and then proceed to Settings where you’ll get the familiar Unknown Sources checkbox. This time, however, don’t bother. At the bottom of the box is another option labeled Development. Go there and then check off USB Debugging and uncheck Automount.

Now, everything should be ready to connect adb to the nook. Plug the nook in and a little beetle icon should appear in the status bar area of the nook. To make sure the debugger is loaded with all the changes done, execute the following command:

$ adb kill-server && adb start-server && adb devices

There should be output like the following:

* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached 
<device id>        device

The <device id> field will be a long number. Congratulations! It’s almost done.

Now to get the app to fix the unknown sources setting. [Here’s][3] the original forum link where the app was originally posted. It’s been updated a few times and the link is towards the end of the first post in the thread. Download that app to your home directory.

Once the file is downloaded, simply type the following command:

$ adb install NTHiddenSettings.apk

It’s done. Now the Amazon Appstore will be available again.

That wasn’t so bad, was it?

2 replies on “Nook Tablet Update- Part II”

I was having trouble with amazon apps also but I downloaded easyinstaller from market. I put in an old sd card that had amazon app market on it and when I ran the easy install program it searched my sd card for apps, I picked amazon from the list and it installed no trouble. When I run amazon app store app it works and downloads and installs no problem.

Sounds like you may still have the 1.4 version of the Nook firmware. I was able to do the same with mine when I first got it but on OTA update to 1.4.1 removed that ability. Thus, my latest gyrations.

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