
Watch Boiling Water Vaporize Instantly

Cool video, literally.

On Saturday, when it was -8 degrees Fahrenheit in the morning when we all got up, I tried to show the boy what happens to boiling water when it’s cold enough. I loaded boiling water into a cup and then went outside and tossed it in the air. About half the water vaporized, and the rest plopped down onto the deck where it froze a moment later. Not quite the effect I was after. As cold as it was, it wasn’t quite cold enough.

This guy, on the other hand, had -41 degree Celsius (about -41 Fahrenheit, interestingly enough) temps to work with and came up with a rather nice twist on presentation:

The video author writes:

Woke up to a balmy -41C this morning in South Porcupine, ON. Thought I’d share what happens when you mix boiling water and a water gun and take it outside for a few shots.

The boy liked it too.

(Hattip: Watts Up With That?)

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