
Injury Update

It’s hard to figure kids and healing sometimes. My assumption is they heal quick. But then, some injuries just take time regardless of age.

After a rough first night, the lass seemed to be in much better shape the following morning. She made it downstairs on her own and there wasn’t much discoloration or swelling in her ankle. The only thing wrinkle was she complained about it being tender to the touch.

We tried to get her to hobble on the ankle a bit for the rest of Sunday and most of yesterday. She was the proverbial poor patient though, and refused to try. She continued to navigate the house by bouncing around and it was with a bit of frustration that the Wife and I finally admitted that she wouldn’t be going to school today.

So the Wife got her a doctor’s appointment where they prescribed a set of crutches and also ordered a set of x-rays. They were similarly surprised that her ankle was still bothering her to the degree it was, especially after we explained the icing and compression and mostly-rest regimen she’d been on. Apparently, we were pretty good doctors in this case. Unfortunately, the patient’s healing timetable hasn’t cooperated.

The good news is the lass is much happier with the crutches. She’s comfortable getting around with them as well, even getting up to practice with them a number of times this evening. She’s a bit nervous about school tomorrow but we’re pretty sure she needn’t be. She’ll be a novelty for her classmates as she gets around with her crutches. She also has enough friends that I’m guessing at least one will be willing to help her out if she needs it tomorrow.

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