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Blog Theme Updated

The theme we’ve been running here, Mystique by digitalnature has undergone a number of improvements since I originally installed it. Once I started playing around with some of the other site settings and the like, it was inevitable that I’d take a look at the theme.

To make a long story short, I’d modified the original theme code when I started running it and, foolish me, didn’t do so with the services of a VCS. Therefore, I knew upgrades would be a bear. So, I avoided it. The site didn’t seem to be suffering.

But the new twitter widget had some issues and the updated version of the theme seemed like it would be worth spending the time bringing it up. I still liked the look, so I’ve gone through the process once again. The nice thing this time around is the theme provides an area for my own CSS modifications, so I didn’t have to touch the original code base.

Well, almost. But that’s fodder for another post.

Suffice it to say, the updates aren’t an exact duplicate of what the site was, but it’s pretty close along with some minor improvements I made (using VCS this time). There’s still the search and Twitter feed and tabbed widgets for looking at a tag cloud or archives or what have you. One thing I have removed the links I had earlier- they cluttered things up and weren’t really necessary.

Leave a comment if you notice anything hinky that I missed during the upgrade. Otherwise, back to normal blogging.

Alright, couldn’t help myself. I’ve now modified the nav button on the right to remove the text as well as adding the Twitter button. I tried it on my test blog in the house and asked the boy which he preferred. This is it, so blame him.

9 replies on “Blog Theme Updated”

Two things I have noticed…first, in trying to comment, you have to go into a post to comment, there is no shortcut to the comment on a particular post on the home screen.

Second, the widget thing on the right hand side with the tabs seems off. The tab labels descend as you go across, you can’t see them all and one of them is a twitter logo, which is certainly not linked to a twitter feed. I have a feeling that things just aren’t lining up right, but I may be wrong.

Oddly…I am noticing that it lays out normally on my laptop, but not on the desktop. Chrome is definitely where it is wonky on the desktop, on the laptop it looks fine in both browsers.

Try clearing the cache on the desktop:
1. Click on the wrench and go to “Settings”
2. Look for “Clear Browser History”, if you don’t see it click on “Show Advanced Settings.”
3. Just select “Clear Cache” from the check boxes, although you could clear other stuff if you’re in the mood.
4. Reload the site, it should be correct now.

It appears to have been using a previous version of the file with the required images in it. Don’t know why.

This procedure corrected the problem in our desktop Chrome browser on Windows.

Problem solved…and I do not know if this existed before or not, but the “conversation bubble” around the Comment # at the top is a nice addition to the styling.

Yes, it was a problem before clearing the cache. That little bubble graphic is in the same file that was affecting the widget’s tabs. Don’t know why Chrome didn’t update the file, but it shouldn’t be a problem for the time being.

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