
Compare and Contrast

Obviously, I follow politics to some degree. I don’t blog about it much, if at all, because it doesn’t have anything to do with my being an SAHD. Also, there’s plenty of others taking care of that front and I don’t have the time or patience to follow it and argue about politics here on the blog.

But, as I said, I do pay attention. And the following is the sort of stuff that drives me crazy. Who do you believe? This guy, who claims no Ryan bounce, or this guy, who claims there is a Ryan bounce. Both use Gallup polling data to arrive at completely different conclusions.

In general, the coverage of this election from either side of the aisle is bipolar- from one side Romney is running a smart campaign as the President and Vice President stumble and bumble their way along, or from the other side Romney is an evil, lying, shit-slinger at the poor President and Vice President whom are doing their level best to govern in tough times.

It’s hard to know what to make of any of it. And people wonder why we fall back to ideology.

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